The One Thing Needed

Yesterday we took a look at the issue of worry and how we need to fully rely on God (F.R.O.G.) and not on our own strength. As I sought the high king for guidance and wisdom the passage for today, the passage in Luke 10:38-42 came to life in my heart and mind.


Here’s why, as people, especially in our American culture, we are under the assumption that if we are constantly running around like a chicken with its head cut off that we’re being productive and doing something with our lives, which may very well be the case sometimes. As Christians, life can often get in the way more than we would like to admit.


In Luke 10, Martha invites Jesus into her home, and is focused on being a good hostess. One can almost feel and sense the stress, worry and anxiety that is pulsating inside of her, like someone trying to serve everyone and make everyone comfortable at a party. Her sister Mary, though she could be helping Martha, decides to sit at the feet of Jesus.


I can almost see Martha throwing down her kitchen towel in frustration, saying, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?” We’ve all felt this way, at least at some point in time. However, I would bet that most of us have never gotten the rebuttal that Jesus gives Martha.


Jesus calls Martha’s name twice. Now, in the Hebrew tradition, when a writer says something more than once, he is trying to get something of great importance across to the audience. In our culture, if a parent said our name more than once, it could very well mean that were in trouble. But you can almost see that while Jesus is stern with Martha, he is speaking with love.


We so often get so wrapped up in our daily cares of life that we forget that the most important daily routine is to sit at the feet of Christ. May we remember to be like Mary and choose the better things.



60 days.

In an act of self-disclosure.

I want to say that I’ve been porn free for 60 days! That is the longest I have ever been without this horrible drug. And you know what? I feel amazing, the urge to use this drug is less and less every day. Is the temptation still there? Sure, but God is faithful, and  His strength is my strength.

I actually desire real relationships, real conversation, and interaction. My prior blog on being mentally tough remains true. For I am a warrior and no enemy will easily overcome me.

My weapon of choice is 1st Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)

I can and will make it to 90 days, which is the standard time for the brain to fully re-wire. If you are struggling with any sort of addiction. You too can be free but know this: 1) you need Gods help, you need community, you need transparency and you need to be willing to give it time. But you can be free!


Speaking of Self-Love (A Poem)

Self-love is something our society puts such a high price on.

Love yourself before you love anyone else.

Find happiness in yourself

Which is true, to an extent.

But I wonder, if like everything else in life,

things and people fall short of what they were

meant to be and do.

Even with all the self-love in the world,

lies the need for community. Hands upon our shoulders

in tough times, words of affirmation love and assurance.

Yet without the love and affirmation of others, the soul is like a flower that lacked in vitality.
